Wednesday , June 26 2024

Greece:- Vicious attack on seven Archbishops including the Archbishop of Zakynthos, 11 injured in total

A vicious attack took place on Wednesday afternoon in Petraki Monastery, when six priests and the guard of Petraki Monastery were attacked with vitriol (Sulfuric acid ), as a result of which all of them were transported with injuries to the People’s Hospital.

The vitriol attack launched by a 37-year-old priest against seven Metropolitans of the Synodal Court, at the Petraki Monastery, has caused shock. The perpetrator was arrested immediately after the attack and has now been taken to the Athens Security Sub-Directorate, while according to information from EL.AS sources, referred to by APE-MPE, he was allegedly involved in a drug case.

This is the priest, according to information from, who allegedly belongs to the Diocese of Veria where he held an organic position, and was ordained by the Metropolitan of Tripoli in Libya.

According to information, at that time, a Synodal Court was in progress, in which a priest was being tried. According to information, the six Metropolitans were the composition of the Synodal Court which examined a case regarding a priest. This is a process parallel to the Permanent Holy Synod that had begun today.

Seven are the Metropolitans, a secretary, two lawyers and a policeman, who were attacked this afternoon at the Petraki Monastery, in a session of the Synodal Court.

According to information from, these are the Metropolitans of Goumenissa, Glyfada, Kassandreia, Dryinoupoleos, Arta, Kifissia, Zakynthos.

The Metropolitan of Kifissia, Mr. Kyrillos, has serious burns.

Four of the Metropolitans will remain in the Laiko Hospital and three will be transferred to the KAT with burns on their hands and face.

The secretary of the Commission of the appellate court, Sebastianos Somarakis, who has suffered a second-degree burn, is more seriously injured.

The Metropolitan of Zakynthos with a burn to his ear after the attack on the synod palace.

The Metropolitan of Zakynthos, Dionysios D, suffered a manageable burn to his ear, after the attack.

According to an announcement, the Metropolitan suffered a manageable ear burn and is out of danger, after the treatment provided to him at the Laiko Hospital, where he was transported along with the other Revs. sufferers.

For precautionary measures only, he will remain tonight at the KAT Hospital, where he will be transferred.

The latest news

The Metropolitan of Arta, who went to the KAT by the same means, has been discharged.

At the Hospital “G. Gennimatas “have been served by the Metropolitans of Kifissia, Goumenissa, Konitsa and Kassandreia for ophthalmological monitoring.

The Metropolitans of Glyfada and Zakynthos and the Secretary of the Synodal Courts have been served in the Plastic Surgery of KAT.

Their state of health is not considered worrying and they were put under medical supervision.

The first words of the perpetrator

“I attacked them because the Synodal Court fired me,” the perpetrator allegedly said immediately after the vitriol attack on the Metropolitans at the Petraki Monastery.

According to the ERT report, the priest considers the decision unfair, while he allegedly said in his first words to the Athens Security police that he considers the drug case for which he was accused and for which he was dismissed by the Synodal Court in b degree.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis

The Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed his deep regret for the heinous attack that the members of the Synodal Court received in the Petraki Monastery to the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece, Mr. Ieronymos.

During their communication, the Prime Minister assured Mr. Ieronymos that the State will provide all possible medical assistance for the speedy recovery of the victims of the attack.

Our local MP, Dionysios Aktypis condemns the act in a statement:-



I unequivocally and categorically condemn the barbaric and unprecedented in the time attack that took place this afternoon at the Petraki monastery, the Metropolitan of Zakynthos Dionysios IV and the other six Metropolitans of the Synodal Court.
I would also like to wish a speedy recovery to His Eminence the Metropolitan of Zakynthos Dionysios and to all those who were injured today by this inconceivable attack.
I am in constant communication with the Metropolitan of Zakynthos Dionysios and I immediately convey to him the wishes and positive thinking of our fellow citizens of Zakynthos.

Zakynthos Informer wishes the victims a speedy recovery and special well wishes to our own Archbishop, who is a wonderful man that has nothing but compassion for his fellow man.


About Louise Inzk

Louise is Australian born and has been a Greek citizen since 1991. She has deep cultural ties with the island, often writing about Zakynthian Traditions and Culture. She is also an active member of the Volunteer Group of Zakynthos, Giostra Di Zante and is a member of the women's choir "Rodambelos". Her love of the island and all it offers saw her joining the Zakynthos (Zante) Informer admin team in 2014.

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