Tuesday , July 2 2024

Truck concert, crowding outside PM’s residence angers Greeks amid lockdown

A concert on a truck initiated by the Mayor of Athens and the crowding outside the Prime Minister’s residence amid lockdown have angered Greeks who have been complying with the anti-coronavirus measures for over a month. Singer Alkistis Protopsalti and some musicians on the back of a truck toured the streets of Athens on Saturday …

The post Truck concert, crowding outside PM’s residence angers Greeks amid lockdown appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.

About Bobby Gee

Bobby Gee created the Zakynthos (Zante) Informer in May 2010. He works as a radio presenter hosting the very popular Bobby Gee Breakfast show on the islands English-speaking radio station, Island FM. Bobby is also Station Manager, and actively works with the Zakynthos community.

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