Tuesday , June 18 2024

Giostra Di Zante, a medieval event! Programme 2024.

The “Giostra Di Zante” Association will soon be reviving their annual three day event. An event that takes us back in time to the 18th century is held on the long weekend of the Holy Spirit (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). It is a cultural event attended by delegations from all the Ionian islands, members and friends of the “Giostra Di Zante” Association – www.giostradizante.gr, but also groups from foreign countries such as Italy, England, Sardinia, the Czech Republic, etc. If you are lucky to holiday on the island, it certainly will be an experience to remember.  Giostra will take you back to another era where Zakynthos had knights that would fight for their maiden of honour. Today is no different; it still includes three days of events with many shows.


Day 1.

24th May 2024 Friday, at 20.00p.m


  Giostra’s opening ceremony (7 pm) – this includes the presentation of all participating groups – National Anthems of each country will be heard, the Herald announces the start of the Events, in front of the Byzantine Museum of Zakynthos and the Historical Library, which are situated in the famous Solomos square. It includes speeches, a show, period dances and is followed by a medieval dinner for the dignitaries within the square.

Day 2.

25th May 2024. Saturday, at 19.30p.m



The children’s Giostra, includes an event where our young take part. Children from 8-12 years old participate, it’s these young knights who will run (without horses) to pass their jousting stick through a small hanging ring, definitely not an easy task. First a parade through the town will take place, then the competition in Solomos square. After the winner’s ceremony, a show with traditional dances from the Ionian Islands, a juggler show and presentations from other international teams will take place.

Day 3.

26th May2024, Sunday, at 19.00p.m

Giostra Di Zante Grand Parade.

The Equestrian Competition of Giostra with the spectacular parade of all national and international delegations for the first time, along the harbour Lombardo Avenue, in Zakynthos town. All  will be dressed in period costumes, made after historical research, such as velvet long dresses and headdresses of the time, as well as local costumes of the Ionian Islands. The competition with the horses will take place in the famous Solomos square and after the winner’s ceremony a special celebration takes place.   As Zakynthian tradition continues with Giostra reaching way back to the 15th century we see the procession starts with the Drummers of the Giostra Di Zante and are followed by teams holding flags, capitula (banners) and the urania (velvet cloth on poles under which the officials sit).     Then follow the nobles, the Prefect, the Sea-Foresigh, the Lady of Honours, the Judges, the Clerks, the Maids, and last but not least the Knights on horse back.

  The Knights, who came from noble families in past were recorded in the Libro D’Oro (the Golden Book) have put aside their coats of arms in order to take part in the contest “of the ring”, proving to their chosen Lady that they are young, strong and with athletic abilities.       Each Knight must take the ring hanging from a wooden structure with his jousting stick.     The Ladies of Honour, for whose sake the Knights compete, watch the contest and hope their knight wins. The competition is started by the Preveduro (Venetian commander). The Judges announce the names of the Knights to the crowd and choose the winner, which is the Knight with the most successful attempts. The Knights participating in the Giostra event compete for a sword as a gift. The victorious Knight departs, on horseback, with his Lady on his horse. At the end of the procession, in Solomou Square, a traditional feast is set up with traditional dances and with the participation of all the visitors, just like centuries ago.



Organizers: Cultural Association “Giostra Di Zante” www.giostradizante.gr. Email: giostradizante@gmail.com Facebook: Giostra di Zante/Giostra of Zakynthos Zakynthos Informer sincerely thank the president of the Cultural Association “Giostra DiZante”, as well as the rest of the Board of Directors, for the information and photographic material they provided us.


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About Louise Inzk

Louise is Australian born and has been a Greek citizen since 1991. She has deep cultural ties with the island, often writing about Zakynthian Traditions and Culture. She is also an active member of the Volunteer Group of Zakynthos, Giostra Di Zante and is a member of the women's choir "Rodambelos". Her love of the island and all it offers saw her joining the Zakynthos (Zante) Informer admin team in 2014.

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