Sunday , May 12 2024

Easter Preparations in Zakynthos

Easter in Zakynthos is one of the most traditional, spiritual and eventful celebrations throughout Greece.


Preparations around the town and in the villages will soon take place, if not already.  Although this year the weather has been holding those preparations back, let’s hope soon news that the weather is going to be good, it won’t be long before we see people out in their yards. There is a lot to do before Easter, Zakynthians often whitewash around their homes, fences, stables and more. Of course flowers have been planted and a general feeling that rebirth after a long harsh winter is wintin the atmosphere. The local council will start its preparations by whitewashing the curbs along the footpaths, even the tree trunks will be whitewashed, it gives us all a sense of freshness and cleanliness. This is what we call our ‘springtime cleaning’ just in time for the Easter celebrations.


During the Holy Week which starts from this Saturday specific themes are introduced based on the scriptures from the bible. Churches during this time will open their doors to cultural events in the form of music and song.


I must say you actually feel like you are re-living the events that took place centuries ago, when Christ walked on this land.
The events start off in the morning, celebrating not only St. Lazarus but the churches are also preparing for Palm Sunday. All around the Island people have already started to make the Vai which will be dispersed around the churches in honour of Palm Sunday. At 11.00a.m this Saturday, the dayof Lazurus they will decorate the church with figures of the sun, horses and bouquets around the church, of which are all made out of palm leaves, these will replace the violets that were left during Great Lent.

At our church of Metropolitan, in Zakynthos town just behind the square of St. Marcos, the tradition of tying palm leaves shaped in a star will take place at 12 noon. Firstly, an olive branch is tied to a rope leading up to the bell tower and then a chain made out of palm leaves is tied and at the end, the sun follows. The clergyman slowly pulling the chain up towards the bell tower finally places the sun in position on the bell tower. This tradition has been kept for centuries in honour of the day when Jesus Christ entered the city of Jerusalem.
On Sunday morning, the day of the “Vayia” you will see the churches full. The faithful are here to listen to the prayers and honour their saviour. They will also take home with them a small bouquet of flowers where three single sheds of palm leaves have been designed carefully and placed behind the flowers. The faithful will then place these on their icons at home. The lucky ones will take home the beautiful piece of art work , the sun or the horse to add to their collection.

The dish of the day is the famous Zakynthian fried cod and aliatha (αλιάδα), known more commonly on the mainland as skorthalia. Zakynthians however, have their own traditional recipe of a potato and garlic like puree that has been made with perfect portions of lemon juice, olive oil and the broth of the cod. Some have also made aliatha from bread called Psomenia aliatha (ψωμένια αλιάδα).


The dish is usually served with wild greens and beetroot salad.  Although this week we are in strict lent, most Zakynthians if they have not started 40days ago, will start. Fish is allowed only on Palm Sunday…. it is during holy week that Lent is kept in almost every Zakynthian household.


As Holy week starts you will notice that churches are celebrating in style, Holy Monday a concert will be given at the church of Faneromeni, with their traditional men’s choir singing as they have done many years before during Holy Week. For those who want to listen to true Zakynthian style Easter the concert will start within the church walls at 8.30p.m, something I personally would recommend.

About Louise Inzk

Louise is Australian born and has been a Greek citizen since 1991. She has deep cultural ties with the island, often writing about Zakynthian Traditions and Culture. She is also an active member of the Volunteer Group of Zakynthos, Giostra Di Zante and is a member of the women's choir "Rodambelos". Her love of the island and all it offers saw her joining the Zakynthos (Zante) Informer admin team in 2014.

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