Wednesday , May 22 2024

Golden Dawn trail, verdict heard:- A criminal organisation!

Golden Dawn criminal organization: The penalties provided – The next steps in the process The “battle of mitigation”, the penalties for criminal organization and the crucial issue of suspension

Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Lagos, Pappas and other high-ranking officials of the organization were found guilty of directing a criminal organization in the Golden Dawn trial.

Charged Guilty.

The moment the announcement of guilty.


In a landmark decision, the court ruled that Golden Dawn is essentially a criminal organization and seven former members of parliament were found guilty of the crime of directing a criminal organization, including Nikos Michaloliakos, Elias Kasidiaris, Giannis Lagos, Christos Pappas Elias Panagiotaros

All 17 Golden Dawn politicians were found guilty of criminal organization. In fact, the 7 were still found guilty of directing a criminal organization:


Roupakias guilty and 14 more for the murder of Pavlos Fyssas.

15 of the 17 accused for the murder of Pavlos Fyssas were also found guilty, after five and a half years of hearings and seven years after the murder of Fyssas. The court found all the accused guilty apart from two.

The mother of the victim Pavlo Fyssas who was murded by the crininal organisation after hearing the verdict shouted out “Pavlo you did it…. My son, my son…My son!



Golden Dawn Trial: The First Reactions from New Democracy – “The Rule of Law Has Responded”

The historic decision of the Justice for the Golden Dawn Political party was commented on by the former President of the Republic, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The historical significance of the court decision for Golden Dawn is underlined in their statements by the leaders of the center-right faction of New Democracy, emphasizing, among other things, that the Rule of Law ruled on the criminal organization.

With its historic decision on the Nazi formation of the ‘Golden Dawn’, the Greek Justice, suspended at the height of the circumstances, erected with the just verdict of the solid wall of defense for Mankind, our Republic and our Culture,” said the former President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos.


The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Costas Karamanlis in his post on social media notes:


“Independent Justice spoke about the criminal organization Golden Dawn. Today’s court ruling is historic. Democracy does not take revenge, but delivers Justice. The rule of law that the neo-Nazi establishment wanted to overthrow, ruled. But the citizens had already issued the political verdict, leaving this formation outside Parliament and sending it where it belongs: On the margins of society and history. Because the citizens know that violence is not a solution in a democracy. “Some who pretend to be patriots and anti-systemic are neither.”


The decision of the Athens Criminal Court of Appeals regarding the Golden Dawn was also commented on in a statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, against whose ministry the Public Prosecution had begun the persecution:


“With today’s decision of the Athens Criminal Court of Appeals, Nemesis comes to Ivri, which is the Golden Dawn for the Rule of Law.


As I mentioned in my cover letter, on 9/19/2013, as Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, to the then Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Mrs. Efterpi Koutzamanis, during the transmission of the 32 criminal cases of members – supporters of the Golden Dawn from which the judicial investigation that led to the present decision of the Court of Justice began, “this activity deviates from the limits of individual cases, provokes public sentiment, undermines the authority of the rule of law, infringes on human rights and human dignity, endangers the public order and the internal security of the country “.

Golden Dawn, which tried to test the resilience of our Republic, today receives the answer from the Rule of Law. ”

Full report in Greek :-

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About Louise Inzk

Louise is Australian born and has been a Greek citizen since 1991. She has deep cultural ties with the island, often writing about Zakynthian Traditions and Culture. She is also an active member of the Volunteer Group of Zakynthos, Giostra Di Zante and is a member of the women's choir "Rodambelos". Her love of the island and all it offers saw her joining the Zakynthos (Zante) Informer admin team in 2014.

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